The Bakersfield Adult Rehabilitation Center celebrated Easter in a special way, with 16 children dedicated to God during the services. ARC Administrator Major David Patrick officiated, assisted by Major Effie Patrick.
The children, ranging from 2-weeks-old to about 12 years of age, are all children of current or recently graduated ARC beneficiaries. All the parents promised to raise the children in the “fear and admonition of God.”
“This all came about as a result of a simple question asked to one of our men, the proud parent of a newborn,” said Patrick. “When asked if he would like to have the baby dedicated, he wanted to know what that meant. As it was explained to him, he became more excited and wanted to know if his other children could be included. The answer, of course, was yes.
“All the babies were beautiful, behaved admirably and the parents looked fantastic. What a change God can bring about when he is given a chance.”
As the persons coming to the ARC change from the traditional to a younger, often court-appointed individual, new opportunities are provided. One of these is that often, families are more involved than they have been in years past. This provides a new avenue as well as a new responsibility for ministry.