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Elsewhere in the world


RWANDA and BURUNDI—After consultation with the International Management Council, the General decided that, with effect on and from April 1, 2010, the Rwanda and Burundi Region will be granted command status and be known as the Rwanda and Burundi Command. Majors Stephen and Grace Chepkurui will take respectively the designations Officer Commanding and Command President of Women’s Ministries; Captains Jean and Elianese Clenat will take respectively the designations General Secretary and Command Secretary for Women’s Ministries.

From a Salvation Army news bulletin

CANADA—The Chilliwick Bruins Hockey Club partnered with The Salvation Army and the community food bank to “Put Hunger in the Penalty Box.” From the end of November through mid January, the team offered 2-for-1 vouchers for home games to everyone who donated food.

At one of the Bruins home games, the team invited spectators to fill a truck with donations. They called it “Fill the Ford” night.

“Last year, the food bank in Chilliwick served more than 4,700 families in the community,” Tim Bohr, community relations coordinator, said.

From Salvationist.CA, Mar. 2010 issue

AUSTRALIA—AdPartners, creators of the advertising campaign that launched The Salvation Army’s Red Shield Appeal for 2009, won the Photon Group’s 2009 Creative Concept of the Year and helped raise awareness of the Army and the Red Shield Appeal. The award is given for outstanding and original creative work with a proven outcome.

The advertising campaign—entitled “Doors”—ran nationally from mid-April to the end of June 2009. The objective was to reach the annual fundraising goal of $72 million; the result was an impressive $98 million nationally, including funds raised from the Bushfire appeal.

A national Newspoll study revealed that the campaign generated a 100 percent increase in awareness among the 18-34 age group for key services offered by The Salvation Army.

“Doors” was the most comprehensive, integrated campaign ever produced for The Salvation Army, with three 60-second TV commercials, radio, cinema, press and magazine ads; digital, outdoor and banner ads; and sell-in kits.

“AdPartners has taken our communication to a new level with this recent campaign for The Red Shield Appeal. The stories are edgy, based on real events and reflect the work we do every day at the front line.” said Major Philip Maxwell, PR secretary for The Salvation Army, Eastern Territory.

In February, the annual “Eye on Australia” stated that The Salvation Army is now considered the most trusted brand name in Australia.

For more information, visit the source for this information: https://tiny.cc/mHCoi

UNITED KINGDOM—On March 1, 2010, Liberal Democrat Leader Nick Clegg launched the first in a series of Social Justice Lectures, hosted by The Salvation Army at the United Kingdom and Ireland territorial headquarters in London. Before an invited audience of 150 leaders of various political beliefs and Salvation Army representatives, he began his speech by acknowledging the reach of The Salvation Army, which he has witnessed firsthand. Clegg, who has been on the streets with The Salvation Army in his Sheffield Hallam constituency, noted that the Army’s work reaches “right into the most distressing, most hidden, parts of our society where you help people without judgment, without prejudice, without expectation. An ethos which represents the best side of all of us.”

He praised The Salvation Army’s Seeds of Exclusion research program and agreed that the fortunes of someone’s life should not be decided at their birth.

He went on to say: “Our big task now is giving people back their hope. It’s something the Salvation Army does every day with people who have problems with drink or drugs, women escaping violent relationships, prisoners coming to terms with their pasts. It’s how you help people turn their lives around. We’re only going to turn this country around if we do the same and make people believe it is possible.”

Lt. Colonel Marion Drew, secretary for communications for The Salvation Army, said: “This was an unprecedented opportunity to hear from one of our nation’s major political leaders as we approach the run-up to a general election. As a charity, The Salvation Army is politically neutral so we are offering each of the major political parties an opportunity to share their vision for social justice.”

Source: 24dash.com, story published by Hannah Wooderson on March 1, 2010

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