Elsewhere in the world

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MEXICO—The magnitude 7.4 earthquake on March 20 was the country’s biggest since 1985, when at least 10,000 people died. But improved construction and the location of the quake—between Oaxaca and Guerrero—left Mexico with limited damage and no fatalities.

U.S. Western Territory officer Lt. Colonel Douglas Danielson, currently chief secretary for the Mexico Territory, said Salvation Army properties and personnel sustained no damage or injuries. As of March 21, the Army was not conducting a response.


UNITED KINGDOM—The United Kingdom Territory with the Republic of Ireland will publish “Portraits,” a volume in the Month in the Life of The Salvation Army book project, to coincide with the “I’ll Fight!” Congress in May.

“Portraits” depicts Army life and ministry around the territory through images taken during October 2011, and will be a permanent record of the work God is doing through the Army, 100 years after the death of the Founder, William Booth.

The book will be available for pre-order after Easter. Email inquiries to month@salvationarmy.org.uk.

From Salvationist, March 10, 2012


INDIA—Delegates from across the India Northern Territory attended training in New Delhi conducted by U.S. Western Territory officers Commissioners Kenneth and Jolene Hodder, currently at International Headquarters as legal and constitutional adviser to the General and international secretary for personnel, and associate international secretary for personnel, respectively.

Supporting the Hodders were Commissioners Kashinath and Kusum Lahase, territorial leaders. In his keynote address, Lahase encouraged delegates to strengthen their skills and talents, referring to Matthew 25:14, in which the servant who received just one talent earned the appreciation of his master for his faithfulness.

From salvationarmy.org/ind


JAMAICA—Bramwell Booth Hall in Kingston was packed with Salvationists and friends from around the island and overseas who came to witness the installation of U.S. Western officers Lt. Colonels Victor and Rose-Marie Leslie as chief secretary and territorial secretary for women’s ministries, respectively, on Feb. 4.

Colonels Onal and Edmane Castor, territorial leaders, conducted the installation ceremony. The Leslies knelt in prayer at the mercy seat, and the congregation thanked God for their willing obedience in serving him and prayed for his vision during their leadership.

From salvationarmycarib.org

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