Long-term recovery plans begin in Haiti

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While continuing its emergency assistance, the Army looks to the future.

Major Evelyn Chavez visits with a mom and newborn in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. [Photo by Kelly Pontsler]

Having provided more than 2.8 million meals, 500,000 gallons of water, 2,900 tents, 1,500 personal hygiene kits and medical care to over 18,000 people in the weeks following the 7.0 earthquake, The Salvation Army continues to serve Haitians’ immediate needs while beginning to plan for long-term recovery.

“Just as The Salvation Army has provided critical supplies of water, food and medicine to the people of Haiti, we are equally committed to determining the best methods for helping rebuild a country that lost so much,” said Lt. Col. Dan Starrett, executive director of The Salvation Army World Service Office (SAWSO). “As we have done for countless disasters—from Hurricane Katrina to the Indian Ocean tsunami—The Salvation Army will commit to a plan that strengthens Haiti for the long-term.”

Sustainable efforts will include: repairing local water sources; providing water filtration capacity; providing assistance to the local population to rebuild permanent, more earthquake resistant housing; and developing strategic plans for Salvation Army program and facility reconstruction.

Partners in delivery
The Salvation Army is working closely with multiple corporate partners and non-governmental organizations to provide food, water, medicine, shelter, and other immediate aid to Haiti.

Shipping companies FedEx, UPS and DHL have delivered 821,500 pounds of emergency relief supplies in conjunction with The Salvation Army.

Fed Ex’s Custom Critical System allowed food to be delivered from any city in the country to a Salvation Army staging area in Miami. Food was delivered by FedEx in less than 36 hours thanks to the company’s use of two drivers in one truck driving nonstop.

From Miami, UPS flew supplies for Salvation Army relief teams to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Supplies were then delivered by truck from Santo Domingo into the affected city of Port-au-Prince.

Following the delivery of supplies in Port-au-Prince, DHL provided storage space for Salvation Army supplies at the city’s airport. DHL also allowed The Salvation Army to use much needed fuel for delivery vehicles.

“It’s impossible to over-state the value these companies have supplied to The Salvation Army, allowing the people of Haiti to receive life-saving food and supplies,” Starrett said. “Without the assistance of FedEx, UPS and DHL, we would not be where we are now in the process of developing long-term recovery plans for Haiti.”

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