General-elect chooses first woman Chief of the Staff

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Following extensive consultation and much prayer, the General-elect, Commissioner Shaw Clifton, has selected Commissioner Robin Dunster to be Chief of the Staff—second-in-command of the international Salvation Army—effective 2 April 2006. She is currently Territorial Commander in The Philippines. General John Larsson, in making the announcement, writes: “The commissioner is a gifted and widely experienced internationalist.”

Commissioner Dunster was the Vice-President of the 2006 High Council and will be the first woman to hold the appointment of Chief of the Staff. The commissioner, 62, entered the International Training College in London from Dulwich Hill Temple, Australia Eastern Territory, in 1969. Two years later she was commissioned an officer and appointed to medical work in the then Rhodesia Territory. She also served in her home territory, returned to Zimbabwe as chief secretary and was Territorial Commander in Congo (Kinshasa) and Angola before taking charge of Salvation Army work in The Philippines in March 2002.

From an International Headquarters news release

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