Anaheim Temple youth wash cars for relief work

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Compassionately active in serving humanity… We…will be a people who see ourselves as catalysts for meeting the spiritual and social needs of our whole community.

Youth at the Anaheim Temple Corps, CA, found that working together for a special cause generated more than monetary donations–it created a new spirit of teamwork for the group.

Under the leadership of Corps Officers Captains Antonio and Aide Horta and youth leaders Hector and Michelle Lopez, the youth tried to figure out a way to help those affected by the September 11 attacks.

They decided to hold a car wash, with all the donations going to The Salvation Army’s emergency disaster relief fund.

“We can’t drive [back to New York], so we’re just helping in any way we can,” said Anaheim Temple youth Guillermo Callillo.

“On two Saturdays in a row, we had our chance to make a difference,” said Michelle. “We wore Salvation Army logo T-shirts with ‘United We Stand’ and ‘In God We Trust’ printed on the back as we washed cars. We raised $920.”

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