9/11 Five Years Later

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The Salvation Army’s continuing response to the 9/11 attacks.


On September 11, 2001, a series of coordinated terrorist attacks on passenger airliners left thousands dead and hundreds of thousands more in need. Since the tragic events of 9/11, The Salvation Army has been closely involved with the recovery process of survivors in New York, Pennsylvania and Washington.

Arriving within a half hour of the first attack in New York City, the Army was the first relief organization to arrive at “Ground Zero,” providing extensive support for relief workers and volunteers.

The generous American public donated $86 million to the Army in response to the attacks. All $86 million was spent on 9/11 services; the majority being spent within the first year, providing food for rescue workers and volunteers, steel-toed boots, socks, eye drops, rest stations, and other items related to the clean-up at Ground Zero.

The Army continued serving the immediate needs of those displaced by the attacks; working directly with landlords and utility companies in the Greater New York Division (GNY) to pay bills, ensuring survivors were not evicted and that utility service continued.

Long-term assistance to thousands continues to this day. Programs include a $4 million crisis counseling program for those affected by the tragedy that has served more than 5,670 families and will continue in GNY through January 1, 2007.

More than 59,000 have received other long-term services in GNY including: clothing and food assistance, child care, FEMA filing assistance, final expenses for funeral or burial, healthcare referral assistance, legal assistance, public benefits assistance, small business services, spiritual counseling and transportation assistance.

In response to the Pentagon attack, the National Capital and Virginia Division provided aid and comfort to relief workers and survivors. The Army here has continued, providing more than $7 million in direct services to 17,000 survivors and families.

At the crash site of United Flight 93 near Shanksville, Penn., the Western Pennsylvania Division served relief workers and victims’ families by leading five worship services, providing nearly 20,000 meals and a total of 13,000 volunteer hours.

Always mobilized for service, The Salvation Army provides daily assistance worldwide. This constant state of readiness was stretched to new limits in response to the tragic 9/11 attacks. The Army is humbled by the generosity and trust of the public, which enabled a quick and comprehensive response in this nation’s time of need.

From a USA National Headquarters Emergency Disaster Services bulletin

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