37 children near Pakistan border urgently need sponsors

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The Overseas Children’s Sponsorship Program just received an urgent request to help educate 37 boys and girls living at the Army’s children’s home in Batala, which is located in northern India near the Pakistan border.

Most of these children have successfully attended primary school and are being encouraged to continue their education. However, they need help to get the needed books, clothing and food in order to attend. All have come from poor families who cannot afford this luxury. Yet, their education and Christian teaching is the key to being productive citizens tomorrow.

The Army provides a loving home where they are taught Christian values ­ in a primarily Sikh state which has been the scene of violent and bitter guerrilla wars. They have seen the breakdown of the economic and social fabric as well.

Will you help? For more information, contact Major Eileen Hoogstad at 310-491-8303 or e-mail her at: Eileen_Hoogstad@usw.salvationarmy.org

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