Lt. Colonel Carolyn Peacock, territorial current issues secretary, reports 100 percent participation in the 1997 WRAP Campaign against pornography. With all divisions participating, 156 corps were represented, or 53.97 percent, a 27.17 percent increase over 1996. Participating were 2,550 individuals.
In Southern California, one soldier was offended by a graphic billboard and called city officials. The next day the billboard came down. This soldier was one of many that called. But what if he hadn’t called? Would that have made a difference? Was his call the one that pushed it over and helped the officials make the decision? We will never know. But this we do know: he made a difference. Thank God he spoke up. This territory has made great strides in its concern with the issue of pornography.
In Intermountain, a married soldier couple addicted to pornography, conflicted by the week’s campaign, made a joint confession and dedication to the Lord. Although not easily, they to this day remain dedicated.
In Cheyenne, Wyo., Captain Martha Trimmer arranged a public service and White Ribbon tree tying service at the State Capitol. Though a blizzard kept the service from taking place, they received newspaper coverage, and two radio stations covered the campaign. Other churches were also involved, and The Salvation Army still received positive PR from the campaign.
In Sierra Del Mar, three petitions to Morality in Media were passed out, along with scrolls tied with white ribbons. There were a total of 115 names on the petitions. A teenage victim of pornography spoke privately to a corps officer and now attends the corps regularly.
The Ontario Corps set up an information table at the local mall and passed out scrolls with white ribbons. Mall walkers were pleased with the table and willingly took extra ones for their friends.
At the College for Officer Training, approximately 60 cadets participated in the WRAP Campaign. This included cadets who participated at 10 different corps during their campaign blitz.
The Northwest organized a divisional prayer vigil, while one corps organized a city-wide prayer vigil that included other churches. Ribbons were distributed at a Veterans’ Day parade. A positional statement was printed in a Sunday bulletin.
In Del Oro, one corps went house to house to speak about the campaign. Where possible, they helped occupants tie white ribbons on their homes declaring this a “pornography-free zone.”
Cascade had 100 percent participation. In 31 corps, 726 individuals participated. Cars parked regularly at THQ all eagerly participated in the WRAP campaign as they flew white ribbons on their antennas.
In the Golden State, one corps had 14 teens in a Christian Sexuality Class. Two from that class during the Holiness Meeting made a public, yet personal commitment to stay pure until marriage. Some local schools gave permission to tie ribbons at their locale.
In the Southwest, one corps in conjunction with the Corps Cadet program discussed the effects of porn. When asked, “Is it okay to see pornography if you don’t act on it?” He waited to answer while the teen stared at a plate of doughnuts. Finally he asked, “Does seeing doughnuts make you want to eat them?” “Yes,” was the resounding reply. He pointed out that pornography works the same way.
In the Hawaiian and Pacific Islands, Kolonia (Pohnpei) met with the President’s wife to discuss the campaign. Honokaa Home League had a police officer speak about pornography, its effects and the need for self protection. One corps passed out white ribbons in a Holiness meeting and used them throughout the service–waving them during chorus time, holding them up during prayers and posing with them in a group photo.
The Adult Rehabilitation Centers participated in several ways. They held seminars, workshops and services, as well as acting as a repository for pornography in their communities. The items were then destroyed under the supervision of Major Dan Starrett.