Heroin Alley to William Booth Lane

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by Chaya Galicia –

In July 2002, with a grant from the Yuba County Children and Families Commission, we purchased 10 homes located in an area previously known as “Heroin Alley.” Of these homes—none suitable for human habitation—nine were rented to families and one was regularly occupied by transients.

After the purchase, the community came together, helping clean up the property and donating items to use during the rehab. Local groups and companies, including Craftsmen for Christ, Hilber’s Construction, Meek’s and Home Depot, donated items for restoring the units. Young people from the Boy Scouts and Yuba City High School picked up garbage and ripped out carpet during Make a Difference Day. The Linda Fire Department used one house that was not salvageable as a training exercise and burned it down. In its place stands a playground that was donated last year by the Rotary Club.

Now that the work of revitalizing the facility is over, we can focus on revitalizing the families that move in. Similar to the effort we extended on this property, we surround our participants with everything they need to reach their potential.

One year later

One year later

Tammy shares her journey from addiction to recovery by Tammy Graham – I



by Nancy Dihle, Major – Rarely does one plan on being a hero

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