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Anaheim ARC Corps enrolls nine soldiers and gets even more “Good Turns”

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Nine beaming soldiers were sworn in recently at the Anaheim, Calif., Adult Rehabilitation Center Corps. Envoy Lynn Svoboda, in-charge, enrolled the eight men and one woman in a God-honoring celebration of music, testimony, hallelujahs and applause so full of life and joy it seemed to raise the roof of the chapel.

Here is a sample of the heart-warming testimonies shared by the soldiers:

Carl Ould said, “I almost committed suicide. I called my mother, and she heard the pain in my voice. She hung up and prayed for me. Thirty minutes later I was arrested and sent to The Salvation Army. They saved my life.”

“I found a home at this corps,” said Steve Hall. “I graduated from the ARC program with the Lord in my heart and new friends. The people in this corps opened my eyes and heart to the Lord.”

Todd Wilson said, “I started attending this church when it first started a year ago. I used to have a problem with anger. I’ve changed, and it’s all due to the influence of God and the people he has put in my life.”

“How grateful I am. I’ve been truly blessed,” said Charles Carter. “I didn’t have any friends growing up, but have friends now that God has given to me. I see them in this chapel. The Salvation Army is the best thing that has happened to me.”

Ana Solano, the assistant director of retail for the ARC, is the newest female member of the corps. She joins the ranks of five other women soldiers. “I’ve been a Christian for quite some time,” she testified, “but I never had a good relationship with God. Now that I have the privilege to stand here in front of all of you, I’m going to do everything I can to be of service to the community and God.”

The corps ministry is growing quickly with the recent addition of a women’s Bible study to the other ministries, including a League of Mercy, another Bible study, and a weekly overcomers meeting. Adherent and soldiers’ classes are continual.

Svoboda remarked, “As corps officer, I feel blessed to be a part of this growing ministry. These new soldiers are eager to get involved in the spreading of the gospel and winning souls to Christ.”

I am excited because (they) are willing to serve in a broad range of programs, consisting of teaching adherent classes, Bible studies, League of Mercy, serving on Corps Council and as local officers. God has blessed our corps with enthusiastic soldiers and adherents with a passion for soul winning.”

The Fifth Annual Good Turn Clothing Drive for the Anaheim, Calif., Adult Rehabilitation Center (ARC) brought in thousands of bags of clothing. The drive is supported by the Girl Scout Council of Orange County as their community project.

The Anaheim ARC held their annual pancake breakfast to kick off the drive and included a program and tour of the facility. The girls learned why their community effort is so important to the ARC and observed how the clothes, furniture, toys and other items are sorted, repaired and shipped out to the stores.

This year, the ARC launched a poster contest for the Girl Scouts with the theme, “How do we grow stronger by helping with the Good Turn Clothing Drive?” The entries were posted and awards given to the girls. The Orange County Register, which serves as official sponsor, generously offered to print a collage poster representing many of the entries. They will be given out throughout the community to highlight the efforts of the Girls Scouts and support the cause of the ARC.

“A measurement of the success of the drive comes in many ways,” said Major Glen Doss, Anaheim ARC administrator, “but at the ARC the spirit of the Girl Scouts participating and learning at a young age how their efforts help in community support is invaluable.”

Also recognized at the breakfast were corporations whose employees support the effort with clothing drives at their company locations. These included: Apace Moving and Storage, C.J. Segerstrom & Sons, Inc., CitiCorp Bank, Huitt-Zollars, Inc., Informs, Newport Beach Plaza, PacifiCare, the Mexmil Co., The Register, Toshiba, and United Parcel Service.

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