Monica Severson: ready for the unexpected

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Western Territory’s EDS coordinator recognized for excellence.

by Georgia Tzanidis –

The International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) has recognized Monica Severson, Emergency Disaster Services Coordinator for the Western Territory, for completing the requirements for official “Certified Emergency Manager” designation (CEM)—the highest professional achievement available from the IAEM, which comprises more than 4,500 emergency management professionals.

A commission of 19 professionals in the field met in March to determine which applicants would receive this honor. Severson was announced among a class of 50 recipients to earn the designation. The new class of CEMs joins the 1,257 other emergency managers who have been approved since January 1993.

The credential requirements include experience, references, education, training, and contributions to the profession. Severson will be recognized at the IAEM 57th Annual Conference and Exhibit in Orlando, Florida, October 31-November 4, 2009.

The Salvation Army encourages emergency disaster professionals in the field to adopt the standards of excellence exemplified by the CEM certification. As the Army strives to achieve these standards in emergency management, not only will the face of the Army in the EDS world change, but also the level of respect we receive from our colleagues and disaster partners.

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