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Week and How to Do It With Aaron Edelheit | Caring Magazine

36: Why you need a hard break this week and how to do it With Aaron Edelheit

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Do you know how many times the average person touches their phone in a day? 2,617 times. A day!

The American Psychological Association calls these people “constant checkers.” Is that you?

Are you of the “rise and grind” mindset, day in and day out? If so, you’d better listen up.

Aaron Edelheit is on the show today to share why we need a hard break in our lives each week. And he’ll be the first to tell you, he didn’t come up with the idea—it’s biblical, a Sabbath.

The CEO and Founder of Mindset Capital, a private investment firm, Aaron is also the author of “The Hard Break: The Case for a 24/6 Lifestyle.”

In it, he makes the case for taking one day a week off from work, email and our phones for a more productive, healthier and creative life.

Doing so vastly changed his own life for the better, and so he’s out to share why we need a hard break, the benefits taking a Sabbath can have and the simple steps to doing so. 

Show highlights include:

  • Aaron’s magic potion for an improved life: Take 24-hour Sabbath to focus on yourself, family and friends.
  • Spreading Sabbath Message: What would a day look like that’s different from every other day? 
  • What is the historical tradition of the Sabbath? A biblical imperative to take time to rest, recover and renew.
  • What prompted Aaron to take a Sabbath? Stress can lead to success, but can leave a hole in your life.
  • Humbling powerful thought: The world keeps spinning without you.  
  • What drives us to work more and harder? False notion of doing better and providing more for family.
  • Negative consequences of 24/7 life: Overworking is detrimental to your mental and physical health.
  • Default mode network: The more you work, the more likely you are to fail. Key to success is creativity/ innovation.
  • Value of a hard break: Rest and relaxation help you come up with creative ideas and be happier, engaged.
  • Steps to a successful Sabbath: Make it fun and special; take baby steps by starting with one hour or day; and prepare by letting friends, family and coworkers know what day works for you.
  • Top tip to try: Decide to have one meal during Sabbath to share with others and turn off technology.

Good words from Aaron Edelheit in this show:

[02:56] “Taking 24 hours, where you turn off from technology and you do not do work, and instead, focus on yourself, your family and your friends.”

[06:00] “It’s this idea that actually by doing a little less, by reflecting, by resting, you can actually do more.”

[08:37] “Your mind starts to wander and come up with creative ideas. You also realize the world keeps spinning without you. So, you’re not as important as you think you are.”

Additional resources:

Download this episode wherever you get your podcasts. Find show notes for this episode and more at caringmagazine.org/podcast. Connect with Aaron Edelheit via The Hard Break

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