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There’s nothing like family

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Alaskan Salvationists celebrate their families.

by John Quinn, Captain –

Presentation of Commissioner’s Sunbeam Gold Star Award: (L-R) Lacy and Rosie Harrington, Sarah Stivers, Jessica Bently (leader) and Major Verna Hughes

The 2010 Salvation Army Alaska Division Family Camp at King’s Lake brought together Salvationists from the division’s northern corps, covering Cordova to Fairbanks. Special guests Lt. Colonels Joe and Shawn Posillico, following the theme “Living Parables,” shared gospel truths from some of Christ’s parables.

The weekend’s meetings encouraged personal discovery and growth. At the opening session, delegates found out they were the “hidden treasure” and the “pearl of great price.” On Saturday, they found themselves beaten and left for dead on the road to Jericho—they were the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son. Significantly, as Christ sought us, we were challenged to go and do likewise. Sunday’s worship focused on matters of the heart and faithful service to Christ.

Family camp is always special—none more precious than the other, but none more precious than the one just spent. While it wasn’t Memphis, and these weren’t the famous Peabody Ducks (check them out online if you aren’t familiar with them), on Sunday morning our own ducks toured the camp. When they returned to the lake, a pair of muskrats joined them. In Alaska, when families come together, all the family comes.

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